Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Leo committed suicide

after sahur i prayed.when i switch off the light,i was curious if my fish, Leo eats his food or not.but when i switch my phone to torch mode to see him,his nowhere to be found. i couldnt believe it so i switch on the light.but i was now positively sure he was not in his i looked around and look for him..and found him in my doss plastic containing shoe box which contains my awesome shoe!

i was frightened so i stood there staring at him.3-5 mins later he moved!i took a bottle of mineral water and pour the water into the plastic bag.even though i knew my box will get wet and worst my shoes!but Leo is a living thing.his life is worth saving than my non living shoes,i knew that..

its actually hard to handle Leo that time..long story short,he is was partly my fault for not knowing he didnt like the condition in his container.but it was partly his too.i treat him like a human.well,almost.. even if he doesnt like his container deosnt mean he can just jump out. i was going to buy him a new aquarium instead of letting him live in a container.if u ask me,its not that bad for him to live in the container..but maybe its too empty.

from now onwards i will never ever take care another fish..its enough one dies..i'm sorry Leo..

in the memories- LEO