my grandpa died last week on 14 December 2011,Wednesday 11.45pm at Pekan Bongawan,kota Kinabalu,Sabah.
i was there that week ,i was there like an hour before he died.i was beside him,recite Yasin to him..with the kids.i was lucky to be there when he died.Alhamdulillah.. everyone was really sad..crying..uncles, aunties,cousins, from far and near.
when he died,i thought that it was really real and CRAZY,especially when i came back to my hometown to spend my school holiday there but instead,Allah already set plans for me. i was there so i can have the chance to do something for him and be beside him(grandpa).READ THIS CAREFULLY! actually ,sebelum ni Allah SWT seperti memberi petanda kepada aku dan family aku.. dengar nie..
CERITA SEBELUM KE KAMPUNG(versi aku sendiri)
semasa aku packing mau balik kampung,aku kasi kosong beg sekolah yang ada berisi buku mathurat yang ada Surah Yasin dan lain2 surah.Aku berfikir mau bawa atau tidak? aku berfikir lagi, mungkin aku mau guna baca kat sana ka..tapi aku cakap dengan diri sendiri,buat apa mau bawa..klu mau baca,guna ja buku Yasin kat kampung.tanpa aku ketahui,Yasin kat kampung mungkin tidak cukup untuk semua orang apabila datuk meninggal.
pastu masa aku kemas baju,aku berfikir,mau bawa baju kurung? mungkin ada kenduri orang kahwin ka.. tpi aku putuskan untuk tidak bawa. Manalah aku tau mau dipakai semasa kenduri arwah..
bila aku fikir balik,sekarang..kenapa la aku ni lembab sangat?kenapala aku x tau datuk kesayangan aku tu akan meninggal semasa aku berada di kampung aku yang tercinta.
hari pertama(ahad)
masa aku sampai hanya ada Abg Suif, mcik Ita, 2 adik aku,comel (adik abg suif) dan bulat(anak buah) dan grandparents.kami happy sgt2 sbb dapat berkumpul sama2 walaupun banyak family member belum balik lg..masa tu sudah malam..kami tengok masterchef pastu kami memuja muja kecomelan baby HATTA -anak mcik aku,lupa plak dia pun ada.pastu kami tidur..
hari kedua (Isnin)
hari kedua ni baru ada CT.. malam tu mcik Ita perasaan pernafasan bapatua lain macam. pastu mcik cakap nafas macam tu maksud dia 'mau sudah'.
mcik Ita kata tinggal beberapa jam ja boleh hidup.mcik aku ni bukanla pakar tapi mcik aku ni pun memeliki pengalaman macam ni sebelum.Arwah kakak mcik Ita pun ada tanda macam tu juga sebelum dia meninggal. Alhamdullillah mcik ita sudah mula perasaan perubahan pada pernafasan bapatua,jadi masih sempat kami baca Yasin pada masa ni..tapi masa tu bapatua memang tidak ble gerak. dia seperti dalam keadaan koma cuma, dia boleh menelan dan gerakkan mulut sikit. pastu mata dia tertutup tapi dari pandangan bawah masih boleh nampak anak mata bapatua bergerak gerak.
hari ketiga (Selasa)
mamatua jatuh tersadung tikar mengkuang semasa berjalan dalam rumah dengan menggunakan selipar rumah (ala ala selipar rumah orang korea). tikar tu memang sudah rosak sikit2 di bahagian hujung, maklumla kerja kucing yang pernah di pelihara di sini dan biasala pernah digunakan banyak kali.So, long story short,mamatua dihantar ke hospital.walau apapun kami yang remain tetap meneruskan bacaan Yasin.
memandangkan yang membawa mamatua p hospital tu abg suif dan CT ,maka mcik Ita pun mengambil langkah selamat memanggil 'back up' iaitu Caretaker2 Jack a.k.a abg Jack! langkah ini diambil supaya ada orang ganti abg Suif jaga bapatua. BTW-Mcik Ita sudah call adik beradiknya yang lain pasal mamatua dan bapatua. Masa ni mcik Ita belum suruh balik lagi..sebab mungkin juga penyakit biasa ataupun tekak bapatua ada kahak kot..sebab bunyi pernafasan macam malamtu abg Jack datang.
hari keempat (Rabu)
pagi tu seperti biasa ja..tapi dekat tengahari mcik Ramlah balik..yeah!makin fullhouse la rumah ni!mcik ramlah balik pun sebab dengar bapatua tu seperti mau nazak, walupun belum 100% pasti. tapi itu sudah cukup mengganggu gugat hati Mcik Ramlah.aku ingat lagi hari ni..aku sangat gembira,sebab banyak family member balik.aku bersumpah,masa seperti lambat2 bergerak.aku makan, aku ketawa, aku bermain main. sedangkan malam itu Allah sudah tentukan datuk aku akan ditarik nyawanya dan kembali ke rahmatullah..
malam tu sempat lagi aku tengok Glory Jane di bilik bapatua. aku kasi bagi bapatua minum sikit2. malam tu aku nampak badan bapatua kurus sangat.aku sangat terkejut!kulit tu seperti hanya menyeliputi tulang rangka bapatua.
this post will be edited gradually..
Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
talking about mushy thing-LOVE
i dont get a lot of viewers at my blog,so i frankly i can just speak freely as i want to. Kenapala remaja skrg ni suka sangat b-couple?dgr perkataan pun,aku ble's not that i feel jelous.oooo..jauh panggang dari api. hei dengar sini ye,klu korang mau b-couple pun jgn la post2 status korang pasal b-couple!sudah la buat MAKSIAT!nak bawa2 org pula! jangan nak tanya kita kenapa x tegur sendiri dia buat maksiat.
macamla dorg x tau b-couple tu tulah remaja2 ni mau gak b-couple ni.nafsu yang memerintah,ikut je la.maaf la kalau LeoZahra tegur dengan kasar atau x seberapa nak mesra.tapi,its devastating to see my friends are crazy about love and b-coupling ni. it's crazy how b-coupling works.
why on earth u date someone when u dont even like that person?hey bayangkan orang tu x sebarapa nak lawa,tp dia caring,manja,sopan santun korg nak tak?obviously,it depend on looks.
wait,i'm not done yet! aku perhatikan salah satu faktor korang b-couple sebab couple korang akan layan korang dengan baik.korang rasa its love!sebenarnya itu salah!aku pernah jugak mcm tu-byk kali actually...
tp sekarang aku pertahankan hati,jiwa,perasaan,iman,taqwa,minda etc. utk survive ayat2 manis dari golongan2 adam! kenapa?aku pernah buat eksperimen yg x disengajakan oleh aku sendiri.
aku adalah eksperimen itu!adik kawan aku pernah ucapkan kata2 manis tu kat aku-dlm FB(masa tu aku x kenal pun dia adikkawan aku) hahha~ aku tepis je serangan gatal adik dia.aku sangat terkejut sangat apabila kakak dia bagitau aku,banyak perempuan yang tertipu ngan kata2 manis adik dia.hahaha~ serangan gatal dia tu x la sekuat mana pun,aku x impress walau sikit pun!Yang aku pelik bin ajaib ni..kenapa senang ja dorg tertipu dengan ayat2 gatal dari orang yg x dikenali?aku x sangka memang ada juga perempuan yang desperate giler nak di belai oleh lelaki tanpa ada kewarasan otak utk berfikir!
aku geram sangat!ko tu perempuan!jaga diri baik2 Allah itu Maha Berkuasa!Maha Mengetahui! jangan la nak rosakkan diri tu sayang oi!sabar la sikit,kita masih muda..buat apa mau rush to look for love!oi umur baru belasan tahun tp x sabar mau bercinta! x payah la..kita fokus on mencari ilmu dulu.. kita x tau bila kita akan mati,ilmu bole menylamatkan kita dari azab neraka yang sungguh dahsyat.
janganla mencari unless kamu sudah bersedia kahwin!kahwin ni bukan stakat tinggal sama..ada banyak lagi yang perlu dipenuhi supaya kita benar2 bersedia memikul tanggungjawab yang berat ni!kita perlu mencontohi idola umat Islam ,ya Rasulullah S.A.W.!
niat aku x buruk,aku bniat meluahkan apa yang aku rasa..kerana, sesungguhnya x ramai yang berpendapat sperti aku..dan semoga hamba Allah yang membaca ini mendapat manfaat daripada luahan hati aku ni..hahahhaha~ ^____^ ' seriousla pula intonasi aku ni..gila2 la aku malam ni..
macamla dorg x tau b-couple tu tulah remaja2 ni mau gak b-couple ni.nafsu yang memerintah,ikut je la.maaf la kalau LeoZahra tegur dengan kasar atau x seberapa nak mesra.tapi,its devastating to see my friends are crazy about love and b-coupling ni. it's crazy how b-coupling works.
why on earth u date someone when u dont even like that person?hey bayangkan orang tu x sebarapa nak lawa,tp dia caring,manja,sopan santun korg nak tak?obviously,it depend on looks.
wait,i'm not done yet! aku perhatikan salah satu faktor korang b-couple sebab couple korang akan layan korang dengan baik.korang rasa its love!sebenarnya itu salah!aku pernah jugak mcm tu-byk kali actually...
tp sekarang aku pertahankan hati,jiwa,perasaan,iman,taqwa,minda etc. utk survive ayat2 manis dari golongan2 adam! kenapa?aku pernah buat eksperimen yg x disengajakan oleh aku sendiri.
aku adalah eksperimen itu!adik kawan aku pernah ucapkan kata2 manis tu kat aku-dlm FB(masa tu aku x kenal pun dia adikkawan aku) hahha~ aku tepis je serangan gatal adik dia.aku sangat terkejut sangat apabila kakak dia bagitau aku,banyak perempuan yang tertipu ngan kata2 manis adik dia.hahaha~ serangan gatal dia tu x la sekuat mana pun,aku x impress walau sikit pun!Yang aku pelik bin ajaib ni..kenapa senang ja dorg tertipu dengan ayat2 gatal dari orang yg x dikenali?aku x sangka memang ada juga perempuan yang desperate giler nak di belai oleh lelaki tanpa ada kewarasan otak utk berfikir!
aku geram sangat!ko tu perempuan!jaga diri baik2 Allah itu Maha Berkuasa!Maha Mengetahui! jangan la nak rosakkan diri tu sayang oi!sabar la sikit,kita masih muda..buat apa mau rush to look for love!oi umur baru belasan tahun tp x sabar mau bercinta! x payah la..kita fokus on mencari ilmu dulu.. kita x tau bila kita akan mati,ilmu bole menylamatkan kita dari azab neraka yang sungguh dahsyat.
janganla mencari unless kamu sudah bersedia kahwin!kahwin ni bukan stakat tinggal sama..ada banyak lagi yang perlu dipenuhi supaya kita benar2 bersedia memikul tanggungjawab yang berat ni!kita perlu mencontohi idola umat Islam ,ya Rasulullah S.A.W.!
niat aku x buruk,aku bniat meluahkan apa yang aku rasa..kerana, sesungguhnya x ramai yang berpendapat sperti aku..dan semoga hamba Allah yang membaca ini mendapat manfaat daripada luahan hati aku ni..hahahhaha~ ^____^ ' seriousla pula intonasi aku ni..gila2 la aku malam ni..
Friday, November 4, 2011
sabarul minal iman
maksudnya Sabar sparuh drpd iman. i'm the chosen one.i was chosen to be the class monitor this year. At first i was really try very hard to be a class monitor.but,i knew that it would be really hard.After a long time i kind a get really frustrated.Well,i didnt give up so easily.i motivate myself with all sort of ways.
drop my tears alot,get crazy,sad most of the time,and lonely. i wonder why this year is such a grand year.baru ja mau fokuskan kpd PMR tanpa sebarang ganguan emosi.tapi x apa mesti ada hikmah di sbalik semua ini.Pasti Allah mau mguji dan seterusnya mgubah aku kep arah kebaikan.
but what frustrates me is now one seems to care about the class i feel like i'm a single mom.a single mom with a lot of children.Children that rebel against their mom.while i'm a single mom trying as best as i can to be a good mom. but in reality,i'm a class monitor trying to take care of the class without the homeroom teacher and trying to be a good monitor.
drop my tears alot,get crazy,sad most of the time,and lonely. i wonder why this year is such a grand year.baru ja mau fokuskan kpd PMR tanpa sebarang ganguan emosi.tapi x apa mesti ada hikmah di sbalik semua ini.Pasti Allah mau mguji dan seterusnya mgubah aku kep arah kebaikan.
but what frustrates me is now one seems to care about the class i feel like i'm a single mom.a single mom with a lot of children.Children that rebel against their mom.while i'm a single mom trying as best as i can to be a good mom. but in reality,i'm a class monitor trying to take care of the class without the homeroom teacher and trying to be a good monitor.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
freaky night!
2 smthing in the mornin' a rat(i hope it is only one rat) sneeked into my room. actually i was wondering myself how can big rat slip between sealed window panes?
i was in my happy dream.when i was awakened from my sleep,i can confirm that i was smiling the minute i woke up.WHY? because it was a nice dream..but i couldnt remember what was it about.
anyway,i was not long until i realise what was going on in my room. i got hold of myself.when the mr.rat made it through the window panes,mr.rat fell onto my working desk and thats when i jumped like a horse! neighhhh!(but still on my bed,neighhh!!)
for ur information,just last night when i attended my karate class,we did a pretty long kibadatch.
my legs was like a jellyfish when it was over!but,i look it the bright side.i never knew i could use my long minutes doing kibadatch would be in good use.
my legs push as hard as i can to get up.that time i was imagining myself in a thriller movie. well,this is what happen if u have high imagination.even in time of panic i still had my imagination trying to make life a little bit like a movie!i'm sorry i just cant help it...
so,as i was saying.. the kibadatch i did was effective that my legs were like bruce lee's legs!!!! hehehe i'm kidding of course.if it wasnt for the kibadatch i might even injured myself because of the sudden move i did as soon as i woke up.or maybe i might respond too slow. and if any of this happen that crazy mr.rat might get to me!!!! imagine what will happen if he piss on u know how dangerous can rat shit be??????
scary!my experience was really like a thriller movie+it was pitch's like a black and white thriller movie! only that scary thing that i'm trying to avoid is a rat! my story is not finish yet!i didnt dare to scream for help/frightened bcause last time i scream and i woke my mom up.then she came running as if she was the one who experience lord voldermort trying to chase her!she panic more then i did.
i thought seeing a rat early morning was no big deal for them(my family)so, i didnt scream out loud just a small scream(hehehe ;P).not even call for help. i decided to turn on the light but!, the switch was across the room!all i need to do is to jump from my bed to my sister's,she doesnt sleep there anymore.but there is only one problem.
the last time i jump from a bed to another bed was years confident about making it to the the other side was low.what if i ended up breaking into a fall?or step on mr.rat on my way over there?
so i decided to throw my shirt nearby on the floor,but before i was ready to throw it mr.rat made a move to my door,thats when i confirm that it was a big rat.but the crazy thing is,mr.rat got out under the door!wow!amazing!how can a big rat do that?
but i'm still thinking there might even more than one in my i drop the the shirt on the floor and waited. but nothing happen then i jumped again and again on my bed to scare the rats (if there is one) then quickly reached for the it was bright.i was hard for me to sleep eventhough i was sleepy because i was being insecure.
i was in my happy dream.when i was awakened from my sleep,i can confirm that i was smiling the minute i woke up.WHY? because it was a nice dream..but i couldnt remember what was it about.
anyway,i was not long until i realise what was going on in my room. i got hold of myself.when the mr.rat made it through the window panes,mr.rat fell onto my working desk and thats when i jumped like a horse! neighhhh!(but still on my bed,neighhh!!)
for ur information,just last night when i attended my karate class,we did a pretty long kibadatch.
my legs was like a jellyfish when it was over!but,i look it the bright side.i never knew i could use my long minutes doing kibadatch would be in good use.
my legs push as hard as i can to get up.that time i was imagining myself in a thriller movie. well,this is what happen if u have high imagination.even in time of panic i still had my imagination trying to make life a little bit like a movie!i'm sorry i just cant help it...
so,as i was saying.. the kibadatch i did was effective that my legs were like bruce lee's legs!!!! hehehe i'm kidding of course.if it wasnt for the kibadatch i might even injured myself because of the sudden move i did as soon as i woke up.or maybe i might respond too slow. and if any of this happen that crazy mr.rat might get to me!!!! imagine what will happen if he piss on u know how dangerous can rat shit be??????
scary!my experience was really like a thriller movie+it was pitch's like a black and white thriller movie! only that scary thing that i'm trying to avoid is a rat! my story is not finish yet!i didnt dare to scream for help/frightened bcause last time i scream and i woke my mom up.then she came running as if she was the one who experience lord voldermort trying to chase her!she panic more then i did.
i thought seeing a rat early morning was no big deal for them(my family)so, i didnt scream out loud just a small scream(hehehe ;P).not even call for help. i decided to turn on the light but!, the switch was across the room!all i need to do is to jump from my bed to my sister's,she doesnt sleep there anymore.but there is only one problem.
the last time i jump from a bed to another bed was years confident about making it to the the other side was low.what if i ended up breaking into a fall?or step on mr.rat on my way over there?
so i decided to throw my shirt nearby on the floor,but before i was ready to throw it mr.rat made a move to my door,thats when i confirm that it was a big rat.but the crazy thing is,mr.rat got out under the door!wow!amazing!how can a big rat do that?
but i'm still thinking there might even more than one in my i drop the the shirt on the floor and waited. but nothing happen then i jumped again and again on my bed to scare the rats (if there is one) then quickly reached for the it was bright.i was hard for me to sleep eventhough i was sleepy because i was being insecure.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
kecewa sgt pasal kawan aku sorg ni..
stahu aku dia pakai tudung.
tp entala dmana dia 'sedekahkan' tudung dia yg melindungi maruah diri sebagai muslimah
mgkn sbb dia kepingan sangat mau tunjukan kcantikan dia
yg tak tnilai harganya
yg hanya org yg benar2 spesel jer yg boleh pandang..
tp skrg the whole world dah nampak..
i know that there will still be time
for her to change for the better
but both of us do not know when that time will stop?
do u?anybody?no one!
but what is more devastating me is..
hidayah x dtg stiap hari,x juga bkali-kali,
fikir senangka mau ubah semula imej dari x pakai tudung ke imej pakai tudung?
pakai tudung ni bukan untuk bfesyen!
pakai tudung ni pasal kita tau siapa tuhan kita,
pakai tudung sebab Dia suruh
kemudian,sbb yg lain tu bolehla datang kemudian
x boleh dinafikan mmg aku pun suka gak bfesyen.
tp ada tahap bfesyen yg aku x sanggup buat
apala sebab dia?
sebab Allah wujud. Allah melihat.paling penting Allah ialah pencipta,pemilik,pemerintah dan penguasa alam ini
did i went to far?did i overwrite? hehehe^L^
i just had to express it so i wont put it as my facebook status..
this is not written out of hate or trying to piss someone.i just feel like talking about it<3
stahu aku dia pakai tudung.
tp entala dmana dia 'sedekahkan' tudung dia yg melindungi maruah diri sebagai muslimah
mgkn sbb dia kepingan sangat mau tunjukan kcantikan dia
yg tak tnilai harganya
yg hanya org yg benar2 spesel jer yg boleh pandang..
tp skrg the whole world dah nampak..
i know that there will still be time
for her to change for the better
but both of us do not know when that time will stop?
do u?anybody?no one!
but what is more devastating me is..
hidayah x dtg stiap hari,x juga bkali-kali,
fikir senangka mau ubah semula imej dari x pakai tudung ke imej pakai tudung?
pakai tudung ni bukan untuk bfesyen!
pakai tudung ni pasal kita tau siapa tuhan kita,
pakai tudung sebab Dia suruh
kemudian,sbb yg lain tu bolehla datang kemudian
x boleh dinafikan mmg aku pun suka gak bfesyen.
tp ada tahap bfesyen yg aku x sanggup buat
apala sebab dia?
sebab Allah wujud. Allah melihat.paling penting Allah ialah pencipta,pemilik,pemerintah dan penguasa alam ini
did i went to far?did i overwrite? hehehe^L^
i just had to express it so i wont put it as my facebook status..
this is not written out of hate or trying to piss someone.i just feel like talking about it<3
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
i'm back into action!
hey!i did it! i faced the big exam! now i have more time to enjoy myself. usually at a time like this, i would be busy studing and get bored!
but know i'm back !
but know i'm back !
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Leo committed suicide
after sahur i prayed.when i switch off the light,i was curious if my fish, Leo eats his food or not.but when i switch my phone to torch mode to see him,his nowhere to be found. i couldnt believe it so i switch on the light.but i was now positively sure he was not in his i looked around and look for him..and found him in my doss plastic containing shoe box which contains my awesome shoe!
i was frightened so i stood there staring at him.3-5 mins later he moved!i took a bottle of mineral water and pour the water into the plastic bag.even though i knew my box will get wet and worst my shoes!but Leo is a living thing.his life is worth saving than my non living shoes,i knew that..
its actually hard to handle Leo that time..long story short,he is was partly my fault for not knowing he didnt like the condition in his container.but it was partly his too.i treat him like a human.well,almost.. even if he doesnt like his container deosnt mean he can just jump out. i was going to buy him a new aquarium instead of letting him live in a container.if u ask me,its not that bad for him to live in the container..but maybe its too empty.
from now onwards i will never ever take care another fish..its enough one dies..i'm sorry Leo..
in the memories- LEO
i was frightened so i stood there staring at him.3-5 mins later he moved!i took a bottle of mineral water and pour the water into the plastic bag.even though i knew my box will get wet and worst my shoes!but Leo is a living thing.his life is worth saving than my non living shoes,i knew that..
its actually hard to handle Leo that time..long story short,he is was partly my fault for not knowing he didnt like the condition in his container.but it was partly his too.i treat him like a human.well,almost.. even if he doesnt like his container deosnt mean he can just jump out. i was going to buy him a new aquarium instead of letting him live in a container.if u ask me,its not that bad for him to live in the container..but maybe its too empty.
from now onwards i will never ever take care another fish..its enough one dies..i'm sorry Leo..
in the memories- LEO
Saturday, August 20, 2011
i was bullied when i was 7 to 8 years old
today,i suddenly remember my tragic memories other than facing an icky lizard!when i was 8 years old theres a girl who used to bully me at school.i told my mom about it but my mum told me to report it to the teacher.i geuss she doesnt now how painful i was i quit telling my mum about the bullier.
the bullier doesnt have any friends well, loyal friends..but i do!we always play together,eat together,laugh out loud together bullied together too!so it wasnt that that what u think? tell me,have u ever been threaten that u must not be friends with the only friend u tolerate?i have.
hey i wasnt born with fearlessness of people like her.OK!i admit i was a chicken back then.well, compared to the person who i am right now,of course.that wasnt all.lets just fast forward it to the very tragic part of my childhood.
Fast forward please.. one day..she make me cry which maybe i get too sad about it that i couldnt remember what it was about..then she went to see my neighbour (which she thought i the girl was my sister) she went to her and make her suffer too..
after that i came and tattada.. i was kick at my back.yeah!thats what i got for being all soft and weak!when i think about it.. it was the right momment to get up on my knees and rebell against her!but what happen is i didnt get up..i didnt man up like i am now.all i did was cry.
tapi itulah yg telah ditakdirkan oleh Allah dan telah tertulis di luh mahfuz.aku redha.. kini aku lebih memahami kenapa perkara ini berlaku kepada aku. the end of the school month,my brave friend stop going to that school.among all of my friends and i , she was the bravest.that day i realise if i didnt stand up for myself and stop being sad and all everyone will soon step on me.the feeling was like coming into me, as if a power had taken control of me
2.without this memory i couldnt beable to support others who has the same sad pastime.
remember everyone,i was bullied and i stand up for myself even if its too late to use it on her. but the point is i became a brave person!
what is sad is i couldnt remember many happy memories with my friends.its probably because of i was traumatize by my bad memories.
its dont ever try to bully people!
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Khairul Fahmi dan Elia putus tunang?
Yes mmg sahih!Khairul Fahmi yg ckp sendiri kat dlm surat khabar! mmg aku sendiri pun terkejut sesangat.. apalagi bila,aku adalah antara org yang sayang ngan dorg ni.Aku baca tu surat khabar terus berebut laptop ngan abang aku!Elia x buat apa2 statement kat blog dia.well,not yet.
tp dorg mmg dari dulu ada org yg x suka ngan dorg ni,jelous only org yg ikuti perkembangan dorg ni ka yg tau betapa sweetnya dorg dua love birdy nie. so bloggers baca ni..which Thanks to Kak Zureen, pemilik blog ZUREEN SUKA SUSHI.
SATISFIED?I i said i love them.but still..speechless Sunday evening..:-/
tp dorg mmg dari dulu ada org yg x suka ngan dorg ni,jelous only org yg ikuti perkembangan dorg ni ka yg tau betapa sweetnya dorg dua love birdy nie. so bloggers baca ni..which Thanks to Kak Zureen, pemilik blog ZUREEN SUKA SUSHI.
SATISFIED?I i said i love them.but still..speechless Sunday evening..:-/
Saturday, July 30, 2011
New, awesome background!and header!
My background is design by Cutest Blog On The Block.And my header is from Shabby Blog! check it out now!thank you Princess Eiqma for ur awesome blog too!I got the idea from her.Its green theme!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
My Friends are Fighting
Ada apa ngan kawan-kawan aku ni?when i say figthing,i mean fighting each other.what is worst? i'm in the middle of the fight!but i'm still not sure about them fighting.but,it seems like it.both of my friends that i'm talking about:-
-are both one of those friends that i share my interest with
-are having conflict
-can be really great friends
-have common interest
i dont know who started this but i swear to Allah i want this to stop.i really want to.Please guys, its just a small matter.A misunderstanding.. i'm really tired.i mean it.i'm sad enough to know i'm not a good class monitor.i'm so sad that it feels like i want to take a sleep for a long time.Aku tersangat la takut kalau ada yang benda yang lebih buruk akan berlaku kalau ini please solve it,sahabat-sahabat aku.
-are both one of those friends that i share my interest with
-are having conflict
-can be really great friends
-have common interest
i dont know who started this but i swear to Allah i want this to stop.i really want to.Please guys, its just a small matter.A misunderstanding.. i'm really tired.i mean it.i'm sad enough to know i'm not a good class monitor.i'm so sad that it feels like i want to take a sleep for a long time.Aku tersangat la takut kalau ada yang benda yang lebih buruk akan berlaku kalau ini please solve it,sahabat-sahabat aku.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
if ur wandering what movie to watch then..
then choose HARRY POTTER AND THE DEADLY HALLOWS Part:2. i read the book and i kind a get a little disappointed because the movie was too short for me comparing to the thick thick harry potter book.
but trust me this movie is not like any other movie.this movie will make u sit still and think three times to go to toilet. this movie is a movie that u will miss as soon as u get out of the cinema.this movie make u want to get into harry potter's shoe and experience it all.
this movie also have a lot of flashy lights,some cool move and funny script.i am not lying to u. this is so real.smtimes i wish i could be harry or just any character in the friends felt the same way to.there have been some sad moments in the story but the movie was totally compact. after the sad moment then they move on to the next part.ACTION part!
so my last word..SO JUST PLEASE WATCH IT.u wont regret it.i promise!
but trust me this movie is not like any other movie.this movie will make u sit still and think three times to go to toilet. this movie is a movie that u will miss as soon as u get out of the cinema.this movie make u want to get into harry potter's shoe and experience it all.
this movie also have a lot of flashy lights,some cool move and funny script.i am not lying to u. this is so real.smtimes i wish i could be harry or just any character in the friends felt the same way to.there have been some sad moments in the story but the movie was totally compact. after the sad moment then they move on to the next part.ACTION part!
so my last word..SO JUST PLEASE WATCH IT.u wont regret it.i promise!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Allah please let this happen!
owhh please let what i'm planing for tommorrow will happen..Amin..
tomorrow i want to watch Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallows:part 2. my passion for Harry Potter started when i watch Harry Potter and the half blood prince in was epic for me.when i got back home i got really crazy like totally crazy.i read my brother harry potter book even after i have watch the movie.
just forget about that.whats important is tomorrow i will watch HP 3D! + with mah amigos! or is it amigoses,since its in plural.ow whatever.anyway today i slap Nadhieyrawr Panda (my friend) but i dont think it hurt since i was just kidding around but i make it up for her.i give her a pass to hit me on my angelic face!(what?i'm prcticing english to elaborate my essay)
PS:we're going to hit pizza hut after watching HP 3D
tomorrow i want to watch Harry Potter and The Deadly Hallows:part 2. my passion for Harry Potter started when i watch Harry Potter and the half blood prince in was epic for me.when i got back home i got really crazy like totally crazy.i read my brother harry potter book even after i have watch the movie.
just forget about that.whats important is tomorrow i will watch HP 3D! + with mah amigos! or is it amigoses,since its in plural.ow whatever.anyway today i slap Nadhieyrawr Panda (my friend) but i dont think it hurt since i was just kidding around but i make it up for her.i give her a pass to hit me on my angelic face!(what?i'm prcticing english to elaborate my essay)
PS:we're going to hit pizza hut after watching HP 3D
Sunday, July 3, 2011
i am hot tempered!but..
yes i admit i am a hot tempered person!hey,dont think negetively i do have some good things about my hot-tempered personality
i'm a forgiving person,unless u cross the line then u need to say 'sorry' then i'll forgive u. hari ni ko buat hal lepas berapa jam,aku ok sudah.FYI i forgive easily but i wont forget easily.
Thats what really amaze myself sometimes.even when i get totally angry i still can think learn to think fair and just focus on the situation,how to solve it.what i should do?
when my temper comes i hold it.even when i feel like exploding like a time bomb i still give a few chance for u to run as far as u can -before i exploded and transform into a monster or killing machine or terminator, depends on the eyes of the beholder..hahhaa urrmm.. scary!thats one word to describe me.(well,only when u mess with me)
i am a hot tempered so,i admit.some jerks in my life or urs doesnt have the word 'hot tempered' in their dictionary.At least theres someone like me.and i know being hot tempered is probably a problem.dont think i'm being shameless..yet! read more v below v
see i'm almost an angel(dont slap me! i'm kidding) i knew i got a problem so i solve it.actually i havent solve it but i'm trying harder then u think.since i inherited my hot tempered from my dad and maybe a little from my mom, its hard to reduce about getting rid of my hot tempered personality?(like impossible)but humans dont even know how far can they go, but when u do, u will be amaze with urself.ONLY GOD KNOWS HOW FAR OUR LIMITS ARE.
I have to admit i'm kind a funny since i like watching comedy shows than other genre.i get kind a crazy sometimes like i've eaten a pack of people would also turn crazy because everyone would start laughing. and believe me,despite of my hot tempered personality i am a caring,friendly,cool(ok maybe not to u) and SWEET!
(Oww come on i cant be cool AND sweet?)WHATEVA!
anyway,i'm practising,learning,hoping to reduce or get rid of my hot tempered personality.
Friday, June 24, 2011
are u dumb or smart?
ur wondering whether ur dumb or smart?
ur dumb if u.. an apple with ur eyeS why human have teeth
3.didnt know how to bath
4.sleep in anaconda nest
5.think daniel radcliff is really harry potter
so there u go..theres more.ur dumb if u do something unusual,disguting and weird! oww wait if ur dumb u dont even now these things..
ur dumb if u.. an apple with ur eyeS why human have teeth
3.didnt know how to bath
4.sleep in anaconda nest
5.think daniel radcliff is really harry potter
so there u go..theres more.ur dumb if u do something unusual,disguting and weird! oww wait if ur dumb u dont even now these things..
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Married Woman->Wife(more like a maid!)
i really hate this damn fact!the fact that guys took maximum5 years of work hard just to win a girls heart and get married.when they have them they treat them LIKE a maid!
ussually who complains about being married?
the way i see it.. moms(part time housewives)does all the work and even works that were suppose to be done by man!
just because the works are females work that does not mean men just have to sit back and relax!
usually movies shows husband misses his wife when no one was cleaning the house,or cooking meals for him or no one feed their children!
is that the only thing married woman does?i mean UR WIFE?hey!i'm advising u males out there even if ur love fade away that doesnt mean u should let her go or get divorce or treat them like some maids!hey maids are women too!
when u have them beside u (NOT in ur hand!), respect,love,care and be fair to them!
Thank you.
Inspired by Ladies<3
ussually who complains about being married?
the way i see it.. moms(part time housewives)does all the work and even works that were suppose to be done by man!
just because the works are females work that does not mean men just have to sit back and relax!
usually movies shows husband misses his wife when no one was cleaning the house,or cooking meals for him or no one feed their children!
is that the only thing married woman does?i mean UR WIFE?hey!i'm advising u males out there even if ur love fade away that doesnt mean u should let her go or get divorce or treat them like some maids!hey maids are women too!
when u have them beside u (NOT in ur hand!), respect,love,care and be fair to them!
Thank you.
Inspired by Ladies<3
Sunday, June 5, 2011
If only theres a stage in Kota Kinabalu,Sabah for teenagers under 18 above 10 to perform live and show what they can do for entertainment. for example:- dancing in group or acting on stage! wouldnt that be great?those didnt go to school too can take part! whether its in school group,personal or club members.
but of course u must be good enough to perform on stage.there will be Try Outs and people may come to watch it.and those u succeed the Try Outs can perform on stage which will be aired on TV!
i can imagine teenagers are having a blast with what they saw on the show!
why i think if this show would be great if it exist?because
1.some parents do not want their children to be an atress or a singer or a public figure. so this atleast can let their children to be creative and at least let them be in the spotlight. parents may not allowed their children to be a celebrity but they can perform because they love acting,singing or just anything.
2.teenagers can live with creativity,and develop in ideas to create a show that can entertain themselves and share it with others.
3.this can totally let out stress!
4.teenagers can look for new friends and change ideas.this show can also leads to a good friendship.for example students from School A love School B's performence but they are suppose to hate the students in School B for some reason but then,bcause of their awesome performence they may lead to a good friendship
look,these are just my thoughts my teenage dream.but it would totally be great if this show exist and workout great.personally i think someone should make something like these.i've thought of getting this to Sejuta Impian but then i dont know how to make it happen.anyway..leave ur comments.
but of course u must be good enough to perform on stage.there will be Try Outs and people may come to watch it.and those u succeed the Try Outs can perform on stage which will be aired on TV!
i can imagine teenagers are having a blast with what they saw on the show!
why i think if this show would be great if it exist?because
1.some parents do not want their children to be an atress or a singer or a public figure. so this atleast can let their children to be creative and at least let them be in the spotlight. parents may not allowed their children to be a celebrity but they can perform because they love acting,singing or just anything.
2.teenagers can live with creativity,and develop in ideas to create a show that can entertain themselves and share it with others.
3.this can totally let out stress!
4.teenagers can look for new friends and change ideas.this show can also leads to a good friendship.for example students from School A love School B's performence but they are suppose to hate the students in School B for some reason but then,bcause of their awesome performence they may lead to a good friendship
look,these are just my thoughts my teenage dream.but it would totally be great if this show exist and workout great.personally i think someone should make something like these.i've thought of getting this to Sejuta Impian but then i dont know how to make it happen.anyway..leave ur comments.
why wedding is it that i dislike wedding ?
its not because i dont like seeing a couple having a family relationship, ok?!
i list out my reasons:-
1)i dont like those loud music..which is a sound pollution! in addition,everyone can sing but not everyone can sing good!(seriously just keep ur voice among urself!)
2)the crowd! do i know u?do u know me? am i in the right wedding?
3)the boringness.. hello?is anyone going to talk to me?'mom lets go home.".hey!besides we already ate!
4)who's marrying who? its not like its my close family.i mean i should i come along?
but hey!one day i'm going to get married to right?and smone like me would say the same.besides if i dont know them cant i at least get to know them..hey,i might be facing with my soulmate!hahaha hey thats possible!
i list out my reasons:-
1)i dont like those loud music..which is a sound pollution! in addition,everyone can sing but not everyone can sing good!(seriously just keep ur voice among urself!)
2)the crowd! do i know u?do u know me? am i in the right wedding?
3)the boringness.. hello?is anyone going to talk to me?'mom lets go home.".hey!besides we already ate!
4)who's marrying who? its not like its my close family.i mean i should i come along?
but hey!one day i'm going to get married to right?and smone like me would say the same.besides if i dont know them cant i at least get to know them..hey,i might be facing with my soulmate!hahaha hey thats possible!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
1.) I need to tell you a secret look at 5 }
{2.) The answer is look at 11}
{3.) Dont get mad look at 15}
{4.) Calm down dont be mad look at 13}
{5.) First look at 2}
...{6.) Dont be that angry look at 12}
{7.) I just wanted to say I love you}
{8.) What I wanted to tell you is .. THE ANSWER IS ON 14}
{9.) Be patient look at 4}
{10.) This is the last time I am going to do this look at 7}
{11.) I hope you are not mad when I say this look at 6}
{12.) Sorry look at 8}
{13.) Dont get mad look at 10}
{14.) I dont know how to say this but look at 3}
{15.) You must be really mad look at number 9}
{2.) The answer is look at 11}
{3.) Dont get mad look at 15}
{4.) Calm down dont be mad look at 13}
{5.) First look at 2}
...{6.) Dont be that angry look at 12}
{7.) I just wanted to say I love you}
{8.) What I wanted to tell you is .. THE ANSWER IS ON 14}
{9.) Be patient look at 4}
{10.) This is the last time I am going to do this look at 7}
{11.) I hope you are not mad when I say this look at 6}
{12.) Sorry look at 8}
{13.) Dont get mad look at 10}
{14.) I dont know how to say this but look at 3}
{15.) You must be really mad look at number 9}
Friday, May 20, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
malaysian jokers are full of ideas
like this guy, Alex!
many complimented him for being a smart joker.
he is from sabah,my town!
many complimented him for being a smart joker.
he is from sabah,my town!
Friday, April 29, 2011
a liar,a faker,an actor,an honest person or just misunderstanding?
may be some of u been through order to stand on this crazy world u have to get through it all.Just remember god wont give u a matter that u cant solve! as some of u know i'm a class monitor of 3Diamond, theres this new kid who arrived last two month at our class((just call her WEIRDO).since she came everything goes upside when..
- she told other class the bad things that happens to her in the class. and my classmates bad stuff..she said bad things about them
- the dicipline teacher scold us for bulling her.well we didnt bully just 'acah' jer.. .the first time she arrive our homeroom teacher ask her to INTRODUCE herself infront.but suddenly she burst into tears.i got to say, its pretty weird situation..everyone was like what? why is she crying?
- everytime the teacher ask for somthg about school like hmworks,textbook she kinda have problem to explain herself.
- she said she got 90 smthg in her Arabic test. but when our Arabic test result come out.Geuss what?she fail!want to know what she said?she said their school format is different. How shocking!
now theres a new problem.she was accused to cause a damage to my friend's laptop. my friends ask whoever is involved.the owner of the laptop was crying2 she was scared if her mom will scold her.why?bcause shes not rich ok!she doesnt even have a dad.not anymore.. :-/
the next week which is this week..
the second vise principle called the person that are involve.the teacher is in WEIRDO's side. so every bad stuff goes to my friends that were involve.what is more shocking?she told the teacher the different side of the story. my friends said she said this, but she told the teacher that!
how dumb is that?think about it..
Friday, April 22, 2011
tired like crazy!
my sole is head is skin feel sticky.Today i just did smthing BIG HUGEToday my family and i pack everything up and move to my uncle rent house.we were so busy..i got up without breakfast or even brushing my teeth (PS:that means i didnt even shower) hey!i dont have time ok!
we live in the government flat bcause my mom is a teacher. MR.BIG (government people) told my mom and the other teacher who are living in the government that they are going to renovate the flat and we are suppose to move out and start packing things.they gave us RM2000 to pay the house rent for two month!but i geuss thats fair enough.they told us to move(where ever we will be moving to)but at least they gave us mom told about this in this night
mom said the box arrive today.WELL THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO!BUT IT NEVER DID ARRIVE
the box arrive,the house was a little bit clean..but my mom took out all the books from the cupboard.but thats not the only place we put the books.i suppose u all should know i'm a bookworm! i read when i cant sleep.i read when i'm scared.i read when i'm bored.i read when i am lazy to do my homeworks!we live there since i was born..15 years or more!there should be thousands of books in the house!even i'm surprise typing this down..
this is the day my mom took a day of.i have to go home on foot with my heavy school bag between my shoulder and holding a thick file!under the bright hot sun!when i almost savely home,there is a dog!actually have a feeling a dog is waiting..long boring story short..i manage to get pass the 'security'!the house was totally a small tornado started in my house!today i pack my story books but it didnt fit.
everyone is still having fun since MAHARAJA LAWAK is on!the malaysians comedians are so freaking funny!i cant help my self laughing..(Devil:relax u will finish packing at the end of the day anyway..)
busy..busy even though we are busy but my dad didnt even help.. the living room was very messy i havent clear my room yet.At night i am busy carrying my box which is pretty heavy for me.. and its would be crazy for me to carry it all the way from my room to the living room.i thought i could but i cant..i just carry it infront of my door with my feet wobbling.
this day,is the most busies day and the tiring day ever..from..working non stop only for lunch.. but still my eyes need a long sleep
mom said the box arrive today.WELL THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO!BUT IT NEVER DID ARRIVE
the box arrive,the house was a little bit clean..but my mom took out all the books from the cupboard.but thats not the only place we put the books.i suppose u all should know i'm a bookworm! i read when i cant sleep.i read when i'm scared.i read when i'm bored.i read when i am lazy to do my homeworks!we live there since i was born..15 years or more!there should be thousands of books in the house!even i'm surprise typing this down..
this is the day my mom took a day of.i have to go home on foot with my heavy school bag between my shoulder and holding a thick file!under the bright hot sun!when i almost savely home,there is a dog!actually have a feeling a dog is waiting..long boring story short..i manage to get pass the 'security'!the house was totally a small tornado started in my house!today i pack my story books but it didnt fit.
everyone is still having fun since MAHARAJA LAWAK is on!the malaysians comedians are so freaking funny!i cant help my self laughing..(Devil:relax u will finish packing at the end of the day anyway..)
busy..busy even though we are busy but my dad didnt even help.. the living room was very messy i havent clear my room yet.At night i am busy carrying my box which is pretty heavy for me.. and its would be crazy for me to carry it all the way from my room to the living room.i thought i could but i cant..i just carry it infront of my door with my feet wobbling.
this day,is the most busies day and the tiring day ever..from..working non stop only for lunch.. but still my eyes need a long sleep
Friday, April 8, 2011
perunding fesyen dperlukan!
I'm going to buy a boot..and i need smone to tell me what should i wear.can anyone suggest what i should wear? smone very stylish.. very trendy? i love art but its quite long since i havent create any art.i do less art bcoz i need to focus on my studies..if u r interested just comment ok?bye thanks..
Saturday, April 2, 2011
i was online-ing then my mom wants me to 'look after' the chicken soup. she told me what to do until 9 am. i have to look after it for 15 mins. my mom is out going somewhere with my dad.i'm suppose to add water into the the soup if its lack of water..
i check on the soup after 5 mins but the water level stay steady..
i look at the clock, its 8.50. 10mins to go until the soup is done.. i was going to check on it again after 5mins but then i over did it!OVER DID IT! O.V.E.R. D.I.D I.T 1HOUR i was careless ..sorry mom..but it still taste a little bit good
miane mom
i check on the soup after 5 mins but the water level stay steady..
i look at the clock, its 8.50. 10mins to go until the soup is done.. i was going to check on it again after 5mins but then i over did it!OVER DID IT! O.V.E.R. D.I.D I.T 1HOUR i was careless ..sorry mom..but it still taste a little bit good
miane mom
Friday, April 1, 2011
- do not like it when a guy suddenly ask ur number.yoww!do u know who ah' am?,nu'uh,no u dont.
- do not like it when u waste my time listening to ur unfunny jokes..or should i say unfunny talk?
- do not like it when u ask me things thats not my cup of tea!BOWLRING!!!!i mean boring
- do not like it when a guy act cool infront of girls.really?are u that desperate?i geuss ur used to ur outside look.beautiful girls do that too.
- do hate it when smone is acting cute!wheres the real u?why are u fakin' plastic?
- hate pollution!are u still breathing?GOOD!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Asslmkm,helo earthlings!!
today i want to share to u guys about a very awesome, cool online clothing store! if u lurrrve vintage or feminine clothes well feel free to go to Old Blossom Box Store .i've been there for only a few seconds and i already fell in love with the dresses, skirts and other accessories!
today i want to share to u guys about a very awesome, cool online clothing store! if u lurrrve vintage or feminine clothes well feel free to go to Old Blossom Box Store .i've been there for only a few seconds and i already fell in love with the dresses, skirts and other accessories!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Story about this week..
this week theres alot of thing going on in my life
- feel my pain!-my classmates really are annoying!they move alot like sperm!but they are girls!they make noises,very loud noises!smtimes i dont think they elect me as the class monitor bcoz they think i would baby them..i already scold them in the warm morning breeze!
- there are plenty of projects need to be pass up.and there goes the english oral test.and we suck!i want to redo it!
- miss wong said i should be in the school english drama and she would be happy to give my name and two of my friends to miss fransisca!i'm scared.why not my friends?please teacher,dont put ur hopes on me.. i'm scared to death to tear ur heart and put ur hopes down
- i just bought my fav book!BTW did u know that the book title diary of a whimpy kid is going on the big screen?!!i read it before very funny
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Asslmkm..hai everybody..this song is dedicated to every girl in the world!
give it up to SELENA GOMEZ and THE SCENE-WHO SAYS its a new song too!
give it up to SELENA GOMEZ and THE SCENE-WHO SAYS its a new song too!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Check out my new background!its so fabulous!!
all credits go to the cutest blog on the blog!!!!!!!!i love it PERSONALLY!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
how to blogwalking?eigh?i'm new i dont know.i dont know why bloggers does not like commenting on people entry they only leaves smthing like clicking awesome,cool and stuff.i dont know how to make people look at my blog twice!i dont know a lot of things about this bloging stuff.i can google it but i dont know what to google.
do you?
do you?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Unknown Facts About Your Mobile
Unknown Facts About Your Mobile
do u have handphone?even if ur phone is not that hightec u can show off with ur knowledge about hphones
Saturday, March 5, 2011
kwn yg rapat ngan leonyana!
hari ni entri pasal kwn2 rapat aku!!when i say kwn rapat i mean yg rapat bkn bestfriend. kira mcm aku mau introduce my fellow friends la.. kwn2 yg aku sebut ni adalah salah satu org yg istimewa yg pernah memenangi anugerah anugerah yg aku wujudkan..
shes very kind to me.she gets me.i can goof around her and we went to martial arts together..
she likes music..she looks a little bit emo but shes actually sweet..
she has a fair skin..natural beauty coz she doesnt wear any product..she likes to share my mom with her..well i'm fine with that.her mom is a caterer,very good cook.i order from her for my school lunch.
kulitnya hitam manis..very clever though.we kinda share the same brain..shes shorter than KLCC tower..
shes very obses with black and red!i dont understand much but i geuss that why i name her miss safire as she resemble fire.shes not like a fire but shes in the same sports team with me(red team)she is one of my crazies friend..i dont know why but shes easily amuse with my jokes..
her name sounds strong thats bcause she is well phisically strong but i think her antibody is weak.she always get sick..shes always left out from her friends but i will always like her..she gets her dads engineering skills, mothering skill(right i made that up.huh mothering skill?i cant think of the right word ok!).she can be a wife by now..her mom smtimes left her out even when she gets better and better.but that only make her more solitare like me and stronger!so shes like me but less secretive
thats it for today...i have so many friends left out but i do appreciate them all..really i do!but i have so much friends sorry if i didnt mention them out one by one
shes very kind to me.she gets me.i can goof around her and we went to martial arts together..
she likes music..she looks a little bit emo but shes actually sweet..
she has a fair skin..natural beauty coz she doesnt wear any product..she likes to share my mom with her..well i'm fine with that.her mom is a caterer,very good cook.i order from her for my school lunch.
kulitnya hitam manis..very clever though.we kinda share the same brain..shes shorter than KLCC tower..
shes very obses with black and red!i dont understand much but i geuss that why i name her miss safire as she resemble fire.shes not like a fire but shes in the same sports team with me(red team)she is one of my crazies friend..i dont know why but shes easily amuse with my jokes..
her name sounds strong thats bcause she is well phisically strong but i think her antibody is weak.she always get sick..shes always left out from her friends but i will always like her..she gets her dads engineering skills, mothering skill(right i made that up.huh mothering skill?i cant think of the right word ok!).she can be a wife by now..her mom smtimes left her out even when she gets better and better.but that only make her more solitare like me and stronger!so shes like me but less secretive
thats it for today...i have so many friends left out but i do appreciate them all..really i do!but i have so much friends sorry if i didnt mention them out one by one
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Virus Selesma!tidak!!!!
sprt mana tajuk berbunyi..ya ternyata virus selesma yg blh dkatakan 40% kawan kat kelas aku tkena dan ya skali lg,aku juga mjadi mangsa virus selesma ni!penyakit yg paling aku x suka yg pernah aku dpt ialah selesma! salah satu sbb aku x suka selesma pasal aku rasa kurang selesa ketika mlakukan sesuatu pbuatan! especially dtmpt yg crowded mcm pasar iaitu kelas aku.. org ckp zaman kita remaja lah zaman yg paling sukar. kenapa?
sbb.. masa zaman remaja kita slalu mnyibukkan diri sendiri dgn benda yg x bfaedah contoh:-bila nampak sisa hingus kawan masih melekat kat skitar area hidung dia,bukan main lg mau bgtau satu school klu x pun ttp dhebohkan dfacebook @ twitter!itu mcm adat tradisi kot?mesti di stakat ni aku x la kena bgtu..
masa ada virus ni stiap kali hingus 'cukup bulan' (maksudnya sdh penuh dhidung)mesti lah kasi kluar kan? ehem..ya no holding back mmg sungguh menjijikkan wlaupun sendiri takkan mau kasi sru owang buat ma... tara owang sanggup ow.. klu sggup a.. mgkn meleka mau luit + ang pau ma.. mau kasi kluar itu cecair hijo itu amat memalukan krna bunyinya berbisik-bisik ditlinga org yg terdengar..(bunyi hingus hijau kekuningan) tidak!!!!!lari!!!td aku baca blog org ttg cara mghilangkan selesma dgn cepat tp lambat dari LRT la...
sbb.. masa zaman remaja kita slalu mnyibukkan diri sendiri dgn benda yg x bfaedah contoh:-bila nampak sisa hingus kawan masih melekat kat skitar area hidung dia,bukan main lg mau bgtau satu school klu x pun ttp dhebohkan dfacebook @ twitter!itu mcm adat tradisi kot?mesti di stakat ni aku x la kena bgtu..
masa ada virus ni stiap kali hingus 'cukup bulan' (maksudnya sdh penuh dhidung)mesti lah kasi kluar kan? ehem..ya no holding back mmg sungguh menjijikkan wlaupun sendiri takkan mau kasi sru owang buat ma... tara owang sanggup ow.. klu sggup a.. mgkn meleka mau luit + ang pau ma.. mau kasi kluar itu cecair hijo itu amat memalukan krna bunyinya berbisik-bisik ditlinga org yg terdengar..(bunyi hingus hijau kekuningan) tidak!!!!!lari!!!td aku baca blog org ttg cara mghilangkan selesma dgn cepat tp lambat dari LRT la...
- daRendam kaki lam air panas suam berlimau NIPIS atau KASTURI. cara: sebaldi air yg telah dicamput air limau(dalam 5 biji camtu) Kemudian tutup kepala dengan tuala..dan halakan muka diwap2 air tadi....insyallah selsema akan berkurangan dan kering...
- mkn aiskrim vanila
- minum air byk2
informasi ini di copy paste dari
tq sgt sbb post something like this
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
HEY YALL! i'm lost here.i dont know what to post on my blog!but i thought of something just now !how about telling those old story when i'm at my hometown.
this is how it look at night outside the house..this pic is taken on hari raya aidilfitri .since i'm a sabahan i'll talk with sabahan slang ok?masa tu raya terus sambung ke cuti akhir tahun jd best sgt !sudahla adik beradik mama aku ada 7 org!apalagi anak2 dorg kan?
klu x....!!!ok x perlulah aku gtau apa yg akn terjadi.anyway,setiap kali balik kmpung especially masa cuti akhir tahun..dorg akn gali lubang yg dlm skali!dgr mcm dahsyat jer kan?x la sgt tp skurang2 ble memerangkap target kitorg!
lps gali punya gali kami add ngan air jadi lah lubang yg berlumpur kmudian kami cover ngan rumput ,ranting2 dan lain2 pastu kami panggil org yg miss action kami ni.slah satu org yg kami kasi wakenabeb ni ,YOYO si cousin yg aku slalu hangout.dia mmg lucky masa tu sbb dia pakai kasut span yg tinngi!dia pijak jer perangkap tu trus kaki yg putih tu menjadi kotor akibat lumpur(tanah+air+hidupan tanah!!!) dan seterusnya babak yg mengembirakan! babak ketawa yg membuatkan org yg dgr pun mau join skali ktawa!hahahahhaahhahahahahaha!
yg cousin yg perempuan pulak x main yg gedik2 punya yg main barbie doll tu,no!kami dulu aktif kami main gali2 kat halaman rumah pastu ambik barang2 yg kami mau simpan utk di kuburkan agar nnt next holiday ble main treasure hunt.hhehe mmg creative kan?phhff!
skali tgk lps dtg balik next holiday kami gali balik entah kenapa barang2 yg kami gali tu hilang dah!lps tu kami x lagi buat pkara gitu..
kami ada pmainan lain iaitu main masak2......................................dgn api yg betul2 dan rumah kitorg beranda atau kat luar dgn tikar lama yg dbentang di atas tanah..klu kami main api ja..mesti senyap2 klu x adalah yg kena THE TALK from org atasan. ya! kena marah oleh makcik2 kat mahkamah ibu-ibu!
tp smakin besar kami membesar,smakin byk perubahan dulu rapat tp skrg kami jarang balik sbb sibuk sana sibuk sini tp kami gather masa ada perayaan..dan once kami gather ramai2 mesti meriah sgt2
this is how it look at night outside the house..this pic is taken on hari raya aidilfitri .since i'm a sabahan i'll talk with sabahan slang ok?masa tu raya terus sambung ke cuti akhir tahun jd best sgt !sudahla adik beradik mama aku ada 7 org!apalagi anak2 dorg kan?
yes!cousin2 aku mmg byk!
masa aku kecik sepupu sepapat aku ni suka sgt buat perangkap @k@ trap/pranks..sesiapa yg terkena akan slamat jika dorg jadi rakan subahat atau sepupu subahat!klu x....!!!ok x perlulah aku gtau apa yg akn terjadi.anyway,setiap kali balik kmpung especially masa cuti akhir tahun..dorg akn gali lubang yg dlm skali!dgr mcm dahsyat jer kan?x la sgt tp skurang2 ble memerangkap target kitorg!
lps gali punya gali kami add ngan air jadi lah lubang yg berlumpur kmudian kami cover ngan rumput ,ranting2 dan lain2 pastu kami panggil org yg miss action kami ni.slah satu org yg kami kasi wakenabeb ni ,YOYO si cousin yg aku slalu hangout.dia mmg lucky masa tu sbb dia pakai kasut span yg tinngi!dia pijak jer perangkap tu trus kaki yg putih tu menjadi kotor akibat lumpur(tanah+air+hidupan tanah!!!) dan seterusnya babak yg mengembirakan! babak ketawa yg membuatkan org yg dgr pun mau join skali ktawa!hahahahhaahhahahahahaha!
yg cousin yg perempuan pulak x main yg gedik2 punya yg main barbie doll tu,no!kami dulu aktif kami main gali2 kat halaman rumah pastu ambik barang2 yg kami mau simpan utk di kuburkan agar nnt next holiday ble main treasure hunt.hhehe mmg creative kan?phhff!
skali tgk lps dtg balik next holiday kami gali balik entah kenapa barang2 yg kami gali tu hilang dah!lps tu kami x lagi buat pkara gitu..
kami ada pmainan lain iaitu main masak2......................................dgn api yg betul2 dan rumah kitorg beranda atau kat luar dgn tikar lama yg dbentang di atas tanah..klu kami main api ja..mesti senyap2 klu x adalah yg kena THE TALK from org atasan. ya! kena marah oleh makcik2 kat mahkamah ibu-ibu!
tp smakin besar kami membesar,smakin byk perubahan dulu rapat tp skrg kami jarang balik sbb sibuk sana sibuk sini tp kami gather masa ada perayaan..dan once kami gather ramai2 mesti meriah sgt2
Sunday, January 30, 2011
i am on FAIYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BURN BABY BURN!!
Burn baby burn!!! i am on Faiyer!!means i am so angry!!!
so i was watchin THE ADVENTURE OR OF MERLIN and believe it or not my dad change the channel 'hey i was watchin that!!!!'(with an unpleasent a furious dog)
geuss what?he did not said anything and still not changing the channel to what it was b4!!!
now how would u felt if some asshole just change the channel that ur watchin which is ur favourite like its the most natural thing in the world now tell me what do feel about that? ah!!!of course ur furious like me!
dont blame what ur feelin just because its ur family, that person doesnt respect you!currently i'm watchin GOOD LUCK CHARLIE to make me laugh, wish me luck not to loose my control !!!!
so i was watchin THE ADVENTURE OR OF MERLIN and believe it or not my dad change the channel 'hey i was watchin that!!!!'(with an unpleasent a furious dog)
geuss what?he did not said anything and still not changing the channel to what it was b4!!!
now how would u felt if some asshole just change the channel that ur watchin which is ur favourite like its the most natural thing in the world now tell me what do feel about that? ah!!!of course ur furious like me!
dont blame what ur feelin just because its ur family, that person doesnt respect you!currently i'm watchin GOOD LUCK CHARLIE to make me laugh, wish me luck not to loose my control !!!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
silly nickname ~^o^~
SILLY BILLY! byk kan nama yg lucu2 yg pelik2 yg kreatif tp mmg lwk! stiap nama2 tu pasti ada sejarah masing2 kan?Nickname aku x best crita dia sbb dipetik dari nama sbenar so..not going to tell ok?tp adalah juga gelaran aku dulu masa kecik2 .aku kena panggil APEK sempena aku dianugerahkan sbagai seorg pelawak peringkat B.F.F (best friend foreva)
ya! mmg dari dulu lg org suka kwn ngan aku..satu sbb because aku ni ehem2 mmg pandai buat lwk.hahahahahaha! ya!itu mmg masuk bakul angkat sendiri! well!!so,here i go..straight to the point!
1#.adik aku,M. nama dia jauh beza betul dari nama sbenar dia iaitu ABDURRAHIM..nama baik2 mau tau napa nama nickname dia M?sbb....jeng jeng jeng..sbb masa dia bayi lg aku yg kasi nama dia..sprt yg aku ckp dulu masa aku kecik aku ni suka blwk kan?jadi mesti pemikiran aku pun giler semacam.ada jer yg pelik2 bagi aku!ok!masa dia bayi aku nmpak paha adik bongsu aku tu mcm lambang huruf M!ya mmg pelik! bayangkan huruf M bentuk 'paha' adik aku..klu sluruh kaki dia x la pelik mcm biase jer..sbb mmg semua org kaki masa baby mbentuk huruf M!tp inikan paha! tp at least aku x kasi nama dia betik sbb aku mgkn masa tu baru mkn betik kot?...pastu aku rasa paha dia tu mcm bentuk buah betik plak!tp mgkn disebbkan anak kesayangan mama aku si M tu..mama aku of course la takkan mau kasi nama betik kan?lg pelik dari M!
Friday, January 21, 2011
guy probleymow with mah fren
mgkn ini pernah blaku kpd diri anda sendiri..alkisah...kwn aku p klas martial art la gitu..nama kwn aku ni LadyHoney(bukan nama sbenar)dia ni pantang klu nmpak lelaki yg handsome sikit aduh duh...mmg langsung masih dlm keadaan,dia d tegur oleh THE GUY ,tp sapa x cair klu lelaki ckp dgn sweetnya kan?walaupun kwn aku ni cpt cair klu ngan org kacak lg sopan santun berbudi dia ada satu yg aku mmg tabikla ngan dia.dia ni x bburuk sangka ngan lelaki yg approach and tetiba ckp ngan ko mcm biasa ja jumpa..
ok!back to the topic!so,THE GUY tu tanya la kwn aku ni..
THE GUY:blablablablabla...
pastu ada senior dorg pun tegurla si THE GUY ni mgkn sbb THE GUY org baru kat klas tu atau mgkn dia baru pindah kat kelab martial art tu
tetiba bapa si L.HONEY ni sampai utk bawa balik anak dara dia.. L.HONEY ni apalagi mcm biasa la.. kelam kabut kemas beg dia ngan peralatan dia tu.. THE GUY tu masih lg bersembang ngan senior dorg tu . mcm kacau daun plak! L.HONEY ni masuk kreta bapak dia. window car dorg tu terbuka luas so of course la ble nampak dari luar dan dari dlm kreta apa2 yg kat dlm tu ..especially kwn den tu yg muka nya puteh mesti dia tu penat blatih so muka dia dlm imaginasi aku muka dia putih kemerah-merahan masa tu.
dari dlm kreta kwn den ni terlihat THE GUY sprt mencari seseorg..L.HONEY pastilah dia memikir dirinya dicari cari oleh jejaka tu..cewah mcm dlm novel pulak!jd bila tnampak jejaka tu L.HONEY yg sdh pasti bhw THE GUY mencari cari dirinya tadi, mlemparkan senyuman kpd THE GUY..
the end
ok disini sy ingin mberi kesimpulan crita ni..
-jgn mudah percaya luaran seseorg sbagaimana kata pepatah'dont judge a book by its cover'
-masa bertemu org yg kacak yg boleh memukaw mata korg..,jgn cair habis mcm aiskrim pd musim panas
-ketika mencuci mata pastikan anda dlm keadaan sprt x menunjukkan feeling korg tu
-pemikiran mestilah stabil.dont loose your grip gurl!
aku ni bukan la org yg mahir sgt pasal ni tp thats what i do when i'm somewhere in this kinda situation.dan satu lg.ini boleh dgunakan dlm apa2 relationship sama ada berkawan ,family, or just anything jgn meminta/berharap lebih dr apa yg kamu tlh dberi.ermm.. maksudnya kalau kamu berharap dbalas kebaikan(x ikhlas)jika kamu x mendptnya nanti kamu akan kecewa..jd ikhlas la lebih baik ketika dlm apa2 relationship. sbenarnya aku risau klu L.HONEY ni kecewa sdhla kitorg ada ppriksaan besar tahun ni!kalau dia loose focus hah!amacam sepa mau btanggungjwb?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
my one of my closest friend is just got operated!
Double D just got operated!dia ingat sakit gastrik..sekali rasa sakit sgt mama dia pun hantar kat hospital. Skali tgk sakit appendix da..
kesian sgt dgn keadaan dia .baru ja aku mlawat dia kat Hos.Damai ..Family dia pun dtg dari jauh p situ..tapi masa aku mlawat dia tadi, dia cuma sakit slps pmbedahan mgeluarkan appendix dia tu..
mum dia ckp,smlm dia ckp perut dia sakit tp mama dia fikir gastrik biasa. tapi lame2 smakin sakit la plak.sampai mau bediri pun x dpt.jari2 pun digenggam ,mama dia ckp mcm org mau mgandung ja..
well i hope she will recover quickly so she can do her daily activity again
kesian sgt dgn keadaan dia .baru ja aku mlawat dia kat Hos.Damai ..Family dia pun dtg dari jauh p situ..tapi masa aku mlawat dia tadi, dia cuma sakit slps pmbedahan mgeluarkan appendix dia tu..
mum dia ckp,smlm dia ckp perut dia sakit tp mama dia fikir gastrik biasa. tapi lame2 smakin sakit la plak.sampai mau bediri pun x dpt.jari2 pun digenggam ,mama dia ckp mcm org mau mgandung ja..
well i hope she will recover quickly so she can do her daily activity again
Friday, January 14, 2011
aku baca kat niexter surat khabar NSTimes pasal phobia..hahaha!lucu sgt2 pasal phobia org2 tkenal. for example-
ok!!next!NATALIE WOOD,pulak takut air!!TAKUT AIR?!!! yg first timer dengar mesti fikir camna la dia mau mandi kan?tp ada yg sstgh ah biasalah tu pernah ada kejadian yg mmbuatkan dia trauma kot..well yes mmg ada,dia pernah lemas.In the other hand my friend have the same phobia as natalie tp bkn sbb kjadian lemas ka sbb dia takut ada jerung akan serang dia klu dia cuci muka atau pun dlm air...pelik kan?tp mmg betul.her comment is 'rupa jerung sgt mnakutkan '
tp semua phobia ada sbb dan ada details dia..
oh ya!aku punya fobia lg kan?well aku fobia ngan tmpt sempit iaitu x lah teruk sgt.first time aku kena pun masa tu aku x dpt mngeliat slps bangun tido dlm kreta avanza yg dipenuhi beg besar2(masa cuti kat semenanjung dulu) dan satu lagi aku ada trauma ngan cicak..x payah la aku crita mmanjang.crita pasal knapa aku takut sgt ngan cicak ada aku post dulu.hehehe teruk tu x la brapa tp klu tgk lama2 ble fikir bukan2 lg..i even avoid celah2 pintu sbb takut ada cicak yg brani mati lalu2 kat jalan aku..
ALFRED HITCHCOCK,fobia ngan telur..yup!ini bukan satu gurauan yerp!ini betul2 kejadian oww. fobia ni digelar Ovaphobia(dlm bhsa omputeh)dia ckp rupa telur ni buruk...manakala aku pulak suka makan telur tp x ble mkn byk sgt nanti dpt kolestrol tinggi baru la mau kasi besar pintu rumah..pastu mau p hospital mesti pakai helikopter..mau ka?aku mau jugak naik heli tp x mau la skrg acrophobia gayat...brrr..
ok!!next!NATALIE WOOD,pulak takut air!!TAKUT AIR?!!! yg first timer dengar mesti fikir camna la dia mau mandi kan?tp ada yg sstgh ah biasalah tu pernah ada kejadian yg mmbuatkan dia trauma kot..well yes mmg ada,dia pernah lemas.In the other hand my friend have the same phobia as natalie tp bkn sbb kjadian lemas ka sbb dia takut ada jerung akan serang dia klu dia cuci muka atau pun dlm air...pelik kan?tp mmg betul.her comment is 'rupa jerung sgt mnakutkan '
tp semua phobia ada sbb dan ada details dia..
oh ya!aku punya fobia lg kan?well aku fobia ngan tmpt sempit iaitu x lah teruk sgt.first time aku kena pun masa tu aku x dpt mngeliat slps bangun tido dlm kreta avanza yg dipenuhi beg besar2(masa cuti kat semenanjung dulu) dan satu lagi aku ada trauma ngan cicak..x payah la aku crita mmanjang.crita pasal knapa aku takut sgt ngan cicak ada aku post dulu.hehehe teruk tu x la brapa tp klu tgk lama2 ble fikir bukan2 lg..i even avoid celah2 pintu sbb takut ada cicak yg brani mati lalu2 kat jalan aku..
Friday, January 7, 2011
aku jd ketua kelas?!!!haiya..mnaip pun balik2 salah ow.. once again..aku?yup aku(rasanya aku ja yg layak kot) or my classmate just go with the flow.. 'sape2 pon ble la!',ah mmg la.. bkn korg yg pikul tanggungjwb!haiyo..kawco... kata ustazah aku dulu klu kita kena elected utk pikul ssuatu tggjwb ni yg tentukan sbnrnya ialah Allah. so, that obviously means i'm the chosen one.. dan of course sbgai hamba yg taat,i need to be strong! dlm minggu ni kerja aku byk jg la tp since aku ni tabah la..(hehe..dgn hidung paras 90 darjah)kerja aku suma beres bro!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
x d sangka2 aku jd ketua klas!takutnya pikul tanggungjawab ni!sdhla x ada pngalaman !!hari ni plak byk masalah cikgu garang ...i not a crybaby but i admitted i'm not used to this job.but i want to be the best ketua klas that my friends eva had!!!long live LEONYANA!!!
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